Be Careful what VERBAL and VISUAL PICTURES YOU PAINT–We paint pictures of ourselves on social media. People who look at our webpages, social media pages, blogs, etc., find out a lot about who we are, what we like and where we’ve been.
They even find out what we think of ourselves by how much we post. The more we post about our personal life when it borders on TMI, we are screaming for attention.
If we post lies just to make ourselves look a certain way, we are sending a message that says, “I don’t care what I say about myself as long as I can get you to notice me.”
The more we share about our relationships right down to the ugly details, the more we say “I have no private life. I tell everything.” It sends a message of untrustworthiness. If a potential employer sees this, they may hesitate to hire you, if a manager sees it, he/she may not take you on as a client (the same holds true for an agent); the person who wanted you for a business partner may consider you a risk when it comes to the company’s reputation.
BE CAREFUL, about the verbal and visual pictures you paint. It may cost you more than you think and the lasting impression you leave could be the wrong one. Don’t jeopardize your future especially if you want to have one.
It is far better to take our burdens, problems, dilemmas, and needs to God in prayer. They will be kept confidential until TESTIMONY TIME. Then, you’ll want to shout how God fixed it, everywhere!
In the Spirit of Truth,
Sis RuNett 7/7/22
Sis RuNett 7/7/22