1 – Is He your Friend or your Father?
2 – Is He your co-pilot or your Pilot?
3- Does He work In you and Through you or merely Around
4- When do you pray? Often? Or just when you want
5- Is He your Cheerleader or your Guidance Counselor?
To the first question, you can answer BOTH but primarily He should be your Father. Remember the Lord’s Prayer- Our Father…
To the second-He should be your Pilot. If He is only the Co-Pilot, it means YOU are in the driver’s seat and He is ASSISTING. He only takes over when given permission or when you take a break.
The third answer-if God is working IN you and THROUGH you, it means you waited on Him BEFORE speaking or taking action. If He is working around you, it means He is working on everything around you EXCEPT you!
The fourth answer-When do you pray?If you can think of prayer asConversation With God, you may find yourselfmore willing to do it. It is great to seek God for what you need, when you are sad or when you need healing but to be in constant prayer mode changes your whole life. Waking up, Greeting and Thanking God in the morning is a good start. Praising God during the day whenever things go the way they should. Thanking Him at times He keeps you from having an accident, helps you to remember who is in charge. Saying, “Help them, Lord” when an ambulance passes by reminds you that God can mend and heal even in the darkest hour. I don’t always pray with my head down and my eyes closed. Sometimes, I go to my window, raise my hands and look out at the sky and speak out loud to my Father. I like to look up at the splendor of His creation when I talk to Him. It helps me feel closer to Him but I also know that in times of distress, when I feel lost and abandoned; that’s when He is closest to me.
Lastly,if God is your Cheerleader, it means you only want HIS APPROVAL when you make moves/ decisions. YOU are in control. He is an observer and all you want is HIS blessing on your behavior. BUT if God is your Guidance Counselor, it means you SEEK HIM FIRST in all you do and ALLOW HIM to SHOW YOU THE WAY in all things.
Poet of Purpose