The more we go through our dramas, the more I realize that marriage is like Banking. You can’t get anything out of it if you are not willing to make a personal Investment. It takes time and commitment. If there is no Interest, there are no Dividends (benefits). If there are no Deposits, there will be no Withdrawals when times get hard.
If you are a taker and never a giver soon there will be Insufficient Funds. Your emotions will be Bankrupt. Your relationship will be interrupted by all the “stuff” that happens when you have not prepared. The preparation was communication, participation and affection; otherwise you will find yourself being “shunned” by your partner.
If you create a Love Deficit, your Account will have a Void that someone else will be more than willing to fill. Cherish what you have. If the person you have is the one that God gave you, BELIEVE things will be as they should. People who have been married for 30, 40, 50 years will tell you it was not easy but it was worth it. It is an investment.Remember, there IS a “ME” in Marriage
On the other hand, if you didn’t wait for God to choose your mate, there is still hope.The saying is, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and I say, “But if it is, remember Jesus was a carpenter.”