Germantown Church of The Brethren


OUR DAILY BREAD READING (Published Daily by Our Daily Bread Ministries)

READ: Numbers 22:21–31

“Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth.” Numbers 22:28

Jack knew how to put trains on the right track. In nine years of work, he never missed a track switch as locomotives drew near the Uitenhage, South Africa, station, indicating by their whistles the direction they were to go.

Jack was also a chacma baboon. He was cared for by railway signalman James Wide, and Jack in turn took care of James. Wide had lost both his legs in a fall between moving rail cars.

He trained Jack to help him with tasks around the house and soon Jack assisted him at work also, learning how to respond to the incoming trains’ signals by pulling corresponding levers for their tracks.

The Bible tells of another animal that helped someone in a surprising way—Balaam’s donkey. Balaam was a pagan prophet serving a king who intended to harm Israel.

As the prophet was riding his donkey en route to assist the king, “the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth” and it spoke to Balaam (Numbers 22:28).

The donkey’s speech was part of the way God opened “Balaam’s eyes” (v. 31), warned him of imminent danger, and kept him from harming His people.

A railway baboon? A talking donkey? Why not?

If God can use these amazing animals for good purposes, it’s not at all far-fetched to believe He can use you and me as well. Looking to Him and seeking His strength, we can accomplish more than we ever thought possible.
By: James Banks

The book of Numbers records the mercenary exploits of Balaam and how God hijacked his plan to curse His people (see Numbers 22–24). Through another Balaam-devised strategy, however, the children of Israel were led astray (see 31:16).

Three times in the New Testament, Balaam’s waywardness and the consequences thereof are used to warn and divert believers in Jesus from unrighteousness.

Second Peter 2:15 speaks of “the way of Balaam . . . who loved the wages of wickedness,” Jude 11 notes “Balaam’s error,” and Revelation 2:14 warns of “the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin.”
By: Arthur Jackson

Whom have you seen God use unexpectedly? What will you do to make yourself available to Him today?

“Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful:

God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.” I Corinthians 1:27-28 nlt

“God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. It doesn’t matter who we are. It matters who He is.” Christine Caine

PR’s RE-EMPHASIS (From Post)
“Looking to Him and seeking His strength, we can accomplish more than we ever thought possible.”

“I want to serve You, God! Use my hands, my feet, my mouth, whatever You like! Help me to live for You today.”


You gave me my hands,
To reach out to man
To show him Your love
And Your perfect plan
You gave me my ears,
I can hear Your voice so clear
I can hear the cries of sinners
But can I wipe away their tears?

You gave me my voice,
To speak Your Word
To sing all Your praises,
To those who never heard
But with my eyes,
I see a need for more availability

I’ve seen the hearts,
That have been broken
So many people to be free
Lord, I’m available to You
My will I give to You
I’ll do what You say do

Use me Lord
To show someone the way,
And enable me to say,
My storage is empty
And I am available to You

Now I’m giving back to You
All the tools You gave to me
My hands, my ears,
My voice, my eyes
So You can use me as You please
I have emptied out my cup
So that You can fill it up

Now I am free,
I just want to be more available to You
Lord, I’m available to You
My will I give to You
I’ll do what You say do
Use me Lord to show someone the way…
and enable me to say
My storage is empty
And I am available to You

Use me Lord…

Numbers 20-22
Mark 7:1-13