I got a long-distance call from a friend. She was
pleased to announce that she had rededicated her
life to Christ. In the process, she had also become
aware of “how bad her mouth was.” We, her friends, always knew she cussed but whenever anyone said anything to her; she’d just cuss more. Like when you remind an alcoholic how much they
drink; they drink more.
Her husband had more faith than we did. His response was, “She’ll stop eventually.”
So now, she was calling me long distance; knowing that I used to be “a bit rough around the edges once upon a time.” She wanted some help. I offered a one-word suggestion -Substitution. I said, “Think of something you don’t like and use it instead.” She felt that was a weird suggestion but didn’t dismiss it.
During the course of our conversation, her husband called to her to remind her of something she had to do. It was obvious she did not want to when she said, “Oh d-, I mean Liver!” We both started laughing. When her husband called to her again, “You’re going to be late, Hon,” she responded with, “Liver and broccoli!” Again, we both started laughing.
“Hey, Sis,” she said, “this could be fun.” “Yes, and don’t you feel better?” I asked. “Oh yeah, this could really be fun and I won’t sound so bad,” she replied. “Well,” I said, “one thing for sure, it sure will make people laugh, including you.”
In the Spirit of Truth